Articles By and About Fly Tyers
Fly Tyer Spotlight – Bob Stephan
Spotlight on East Tennessee Fly Tyer - Bob Stephan In this post, we shine the spotlight on East Tennessee Fly Tyer and current Clinch River Chapter of Trout Unlimited president Bob Stephan. Bob is a...
Using Xylene, Goop, and Paraffin Wax by Dennis Stead
In this blog post, Dennis Stead shares how to make a solution to waterproof dry flies and hair bodied bugs and flex cement. As the current President and Librarian for the Missouri Trout Fishermen's Association (MFTA), Dennis has tied flies in a number of shows, for...
The Woolly Bugger by Dennis Stead
The Woolly Bugger is a fly that I consider a favorite in my fly box. As a streamer, it works great imitating a minnow or crayfish. In this blog post, Dennis Stead presents his version of the Woolly Bugger, except with a twist. Woolly Bugger Materials: Hook: TMC5264...
Flying Mutantz by Barry Ord Clarke aka: The Feather Bender
Fly Tying course # 18 Flying Mutantz Flying Mutantz After much response regarding my Mutantz pattern I published last year, here is the new and improved Flying Mutant that has fished extremely well for me this year, with a few new techniques that can be applied to...
Harvester Gilled Tubing Midge (with air bubble) by Dennis Stead
In this blog post, Dennis Stead shares how to tie a Harvester Gilled Tubing Midge (with air bubble). Recently, Dennis tied 24 midges in two hours on a size 20 TMC2487BL hook while attending the Hunting and Fishing Expo in Springfied M.O. So as Dennis explains, this is...
The Sawyer Nymph
Introduction Competent angler and naturalist Oliver Kite describes the Sawyer Nymph as one of the most effective nymph fly patterns ever devised (Sutcliffe, T.). The Sawyer Nymph, when finished has a pronounced thorax suggesting a bulging wing case and body that...
Welcome to the Fly Tying Blog – Fly Tyers Guild
Fly Tying Blog - Fly Tyers Guild is a blog for Fly Tying Guild members and articles about fly tying. The purpose of this blog is to support the craft of fly tying and the advancement of individual fly tying skills. Guild members can submit fly tying articles and read...
Fly Tyers Guild
Fly Fishing Museum of the Southern Appalachians
210 Main Street
Bryson City, NC 28713
© Fly Fishing Museum of the Southern Appalachians
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