Fly Tyers Guild of the Southern Appalachians
An Association Dedicated to
Art & Craft of Tying Flies
Bring together the collection of fly tying skills within the southeastern region and beyond as one large family of fly tyers.
Promote the craft of fly tying and assure the advancement of individual fly tying skills within the fly tying and angling community.
● Support new fly tyers, challenge them to advance their skills to tie flies and encourage them to become a part of the Museum Fly Tyers Guild.
● Provide fly tyers to community and regional events for public demonstrations.
● Research the origin, original recipes and recognize proper credit of fly patterns.
● Preserve the history and recipes of flies, especially those considered to be of Southern Appalachian origin.
● Provide restorative and replicative serves to the Fly Fishing Museum of the Southern Appalachian.
● Provide fly tyers and partner with The Fly Tying Group of Fly Fishing International, Trout Unlimited, Project Healing Waters and other non-profit angling organizations.
Fly Tyers Guild
Fly Fishing Museum of the Southern Appalachians
210 Main Street
Bryson City, NC 28713
© Fly Fishing Museum of the Southern Appalachians
For information about the Fly Fishing Museum of the Southern Appalachians, visit our website